i'm a curly fry in a box of regulars (and yes that is Jason Mraz)

i'm addicted.. and as they say the first step to recovery is confession..
u might wonder what i'm addicted to.. and like so many others it is coffee!
not because i need the energy..most days.. but because it's so gooooood and yes with that many o's.

anyways, movienight tonight i think.. haven't seen my old pals in a while, it'll be nice :)

i wrote this in english, don't know why, didn't think about it.. want a translation, then ask ;)
however, i didn't write any weird words or so, so i'm hoping that ya'll understand!

i have so many pictures that i wanna share with u guys.. but since the connection to our "main" computer isn't working, it'll be a while..sorry

i'm gonna do some hw now.. andarnas hus, a great book....the first swedish book that i'd really recommend!
ALSO. julia bought a backpack today! the first of my many followers.. seriously i don't get how people can fit all of the IB books in a purse? and if they do, how can they keep their balance ..I mean they have it on one shoulder.. i'd surely fall over. i'm not kidding.
congrats julia, i hope you'll post  a beautiful picture of your amazingly pretty bag ;)

Have it swell! // Idaho (as in the state, not a hoe)

Postat av: l

andarnas hus är ju inte ens svensk ursprungligen. Den är ju bara översatt till svenska. :)

2008-04-13 @ 15:05:35
Postat av: ida

hah jag vet, helt underbart ju! skulle nog ha läst den på engelska om det inte var för min lärare mona-lisa :) eller kanske spanska, om jag kunde språket, för visst är den ursprungligen på spanska?

2008-04-14 @ 20:01:16
Postat av: Johanna

nej precis men den hör ju till den svenska world litten så det krockar väl lite med kursen att läsa den på engelska eller spanska istället. och ja den är på spanska ursprungligen. hälsa Julia :D

2008-04-22 @ 08:43:10

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